Please read this agreement and enclose payment as noted above
- All final payments must be received two (2) weeks prior to departure date. If final payments are not received by departure date, your signature will authorize us to charge your credit card for the balance plus an additional 8.75% for tax.
- If it is a personal check it must be sent (4) weeks prior to departure date. Cancellations must be received (15) days prior to departure to insure a refund. There is a fifty dollar ($50) service charge for any cancellation. IF cancelled less than two (2) weeks you will be responsible 50% of the total chari^er cost. lf cancelled less than (1) week you are responsible for the full charter cost. lf you need to change reservation date it must be done (2) weeks in advance or you will be billed normal cancellation fees regardless of rain or snow, Charter is subject to cancellation if payments are not received (2) Weeks before trip dates. All reservation is plus bus parking and hotel room for drivers if required. Drivers may only duty a maximum l5 consecutive hours on any given day this will include travel time to pickup and return garage time. Comfort Express reserves the right to add fuel charge to contracted rates if fuel prices increases. All casino bonuses are beyond our control and subject too change without notice.
- Customer assumes full responsibility for any passenger’s activity. Any additional charges incurred by Comfort Express to repair or clean the vehicle will be responsibility ofthe customer. Your cost is based on the services detailed above and is subject to change in accordance with your actual final itinerary. This company reserves its right to lease equipment from other companies in order to fulfill this agreement. Comfort Express is not liable for items left ton the vehicle or loss of time due to mechanical failure or inclement weather. We can’t guarantee the assignment of requested drivers or vehicles we will accommodate the number of passengers as requested. A signed contract and deposit will confirm your reservation Overtime charges @$75 per half hour`
388 Cromwell AveStaten Island, NY 10305
146 Wolcott st.
Brooklyn NY 11231
Phone: (718) 513-3697Phone: (212) 256-9989
Fax: (718) 513-3698
9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Mon - Fri388 Cromwell Ave
Staten Island, NY 10305146 Wolcott st.
Brooklyn NY 11231